New Year, New Knights Needed

The Knights of Columbus - In Service to All, In Service to One.


During the first week of January (1-7), 2019, any eligible Catholic man who becomes a Knight of Columbus online with the promo code NEWYEARKNIGHT will be given a discount of $5 off their first year of membership. That means your first year of membership will be only $25!


Join the Knights of Columbus today through our online registration web site and see how much you can accomplish with just a few hours of volunteer time a year. When you join the Knights of Columbus you are joining a fraternal organization dedicated to giving back to the communities we serve. World-wide and locally, Brother Knights make positive impacts on in their local Parish and communities.


Some of things Knights do each month:


From feeding the hungry and helping those in poverty.


Making sure vulnerable children have clothing and shelter.


Helping to make sure pregnant mothers receive the best care possible including raising money for sonogram machines.


Giving rides to the elderly and those in need of medical to doctors’ appointments.


Helping their Parish with Church upkeep and maintenance through volunteer work.


Evangelization and religious education for both those who believe and those who have not heard about the Lord Jesus Christ such as purchasing literature for the Parish or volunteering at Religious Education as a Catechist.


Honoring veterans through our Color Guard at civil and religious ceremonies including funerals.


Supporting community aide and rebuilding communities impacted by natural and man-made disasters such as war either directly or through charity fundraisers.


If you have any questions or would like to learn more feel free to contact us. The Knights are in service to all mankind, in service to one (Lord Jesus Christ)– will you become a Knight today?