1,000 Ultrasounds: The KofC’s Greatest Humanitarian Effort.

Knights of Columbus


Millions of babies have had a chance at life, thanks to 1,000 ultrasound machines donated by you and your brother Knights around the world.


Congratulations to our Knights in Manassas, Va., where the 1,000th machine was just dedicated! Read about the dedication here.


At the dedication, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson said that the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative is the greatest humanitarian effort the organization has ever undertaken.


“Today represents a very concrete way in which millions of lives are changed for the better by the Catholic community coming together and volunteering together,” said Anderson. “What greater legacy can a person have than to save a child’s life?”


As hundreds of thousands gather in Washington, D.C., to pay witness to the Culture of Life, check out the video below and share our pride in the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound program!