K of C Makes Strong Showing at March for Life

Stand Up for Life-- Stand Up for God's Law.


The Knights of Columbus made a strong showing at the recent March for Life Rally that was held in Washington DC on January 18, 2019. Brother Knights, their families, and their fellow Parishioners from all over the United States came to Washington DC to let their voice be heard and their numbers seen. This is the fortieth year that the Knights have attended the Annual March for Life Rally. The full article about the event can be found on the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council web site here.


You can also watch the official video below:



The Rally was even more important this year as it is the the tenth anniversary of the Knights of Columbus’ Ultrasound Machine Donation program. On this momentous anniversary Supreme announced it had donated its one thousandth machine that will help save the lives of unborn children and support the health as well as well being of both the mother and child. You can read more about this milestone on the Supreme web site here.


You can help support the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council’s effort to build a “culture of life” that respects human dignity from its inception until its natural end by donating money to the Culture of Life fund here.


Also make sure if you are a resident of New York State that you are making your voice heard regarding the recent expansion of abortions being allowed after the twenty fourth week of pregnancy. Now that the NY State Legislature has enacted a grave and permissive Abortion Expansion Act, we must hold our lawmakers accountable. Please take the time to express your views to your elected officials. You can contact your local NY representatives through the form found here. It literally only takes ten seconds to fill out, but your voice being heard is important to our continued fight to restore a culture of life in New York State and build a just system that protects children and parents alike.


Thank you for your continued support and prayers!