Knights Put Up Cross For Lenten & Easter Season


The Knights of Columbus Monsignor James S. Conlan Council #5329 has again this year put up the outdoor crucifix display at the Church of the Infant Saviour. On March 5, 2019 Brother Knights volunteered their time and strength to work as a group to put the large crucifix back up on display just in time for Ash Wednesday. The outdoor crucifix will be on display throughout the entire Catholic Liturgical seasons of Lent and Easter. This crucifix is an annual Church outdoor display that was started last year by Church of the Infant Saviour Pastor and Brother Knight Fr. Niranjan Rodrigo. The Msgr. Conlan Knights Council donated all the funds needed for the materials to build the crucifix last year. Brother Knight Jerry Domingue generously donated his time and craftsmanship to construct the crucifix. Last year the cross was well received by the Parish community and the wider Pine Bush community as a whole found it to be a pleasing sight as you entered the hamlet.


As such, Fr. Rodrigo once again asked the Knights to assist with putting the cross back up for Lent this year. A new sash was purchased to make sure the crucifix looked its best. The crucifix will be on display in front of the Church of the Infant Saviour (22 Holland Ave.; Pine Bush, NY 12566) until the end of the Catholic Liturgical season of Easter on June 9, 2019.


Thank you to Fr. Rodrigo for continuing to shepherd our Parish and for making sure our Church stands as a beacon of hope, as well as, joy for our Community. Thank you to all the Brother Knights who helped out with putting up the cross this year and to Brother Jerry Domingue for his continued good work maintaining our Parish’s building and grounds.