Final Lenten Dinner “Pizza & A Movie Night” Held on 4/12/19

Lenten Dinners - Knights of Columbus


The Knights of Columbus Monsignor James S. Conlan Council #5329 held its sixth and final 2019 Lenten Dinner on Friday; April 12, 2019. The event was our Council’s Annual Pizza and a Movie Night Community Dinner. The event was held at the Church of the Infant Saviour Church Hall (22 Holland Ave.; Pine Bush, NY 12566). The event immediately followed the Stations of the Cross at the Church. To go orders were available for those who could not stay for the Community Dinner or the movie. The cost was $5 per serving/order for two slices. Whole pies were $15 each (8 slices per pie). Those who stayed received free refreshments and a movie was shown at no extra charge. This was a great opportunity to catch up with friends and family, as well as, to meet others in our Parish Community who you may not have had a chance to talk to before. The pizza was Sicilian style and as always was completely homemade from scratch. The dough was sourced freshly made from a local pizzeria and featured Grand Knight Charlie Cino’s signature marinara sauce and a heaping helping of mozzarella cheese. The pizza was excellent as it is every year– kudos to Charlie and all the Knights for their hard work hosting this event!


The movie shown was the much acclaimed “Paul, Apostle of Christ”. You can find out more about the movie on IMDB here. The summary on IMDB states: The story covers Paul going from the most infamous persecutor of Christians to Jesus Christ’s most influential apostle.


Thank to our Church Pastor Father Rodrigo, as well as, all the Parishioners and patrons who turned out for the dinner for their continued support. We had a great turn out for the event and it was wonderful to see so many gathered together for the Community Dinner and the movie. Also a big thank you to all the Brother Knights who generously donated their time to the event, as well as, all those who volunteered to help out at the dinners throughout this year’s Lenten Season. We also thank Father for the use of the Church Hall and Kitchen throughout all of this year’s Lenten Dinners. This season was very successful and we had a strong fundraising for the entire season– none of this would be possible without all of your support. We appreciate all your support and thank you for being part of this wonderful event series this year!


Once again thank you your support and patronage– we look forward to seeing you next year for the 2020 Lenten Season! God bless!