Knights Put Up Easter Sash on the Church Grotto Crucifix.

The Easter Sash is on the Crucifix in front of the Blessed Mother Grotto at the Church of the Infant Saviour in Pine Bush, NY.


The Knights of Columbus Monsignor James S. Conlan Council #5329 again this year put up the outdoor crucifix display at the Church of the Infant Saviour for Lent back on March 5, 2019 (Ash Wednesday). With the beginning of the Easter Season on the night of Saturday; April 20, 2019 at the 8 pm Easter Vigil Mass though it was time for the Knights to gather once again to help Church Pastor Father Rodrigo and Brother Knight Jerry Domingue change out the purple Lent sash for the white Easter sash during the afternoon before the Vigil Mass.


Brother Knights Grand Knight Charlie Cino, Deputy Grand Knight Joe Ditizio, Financial Secretary Chris Welch, Recorder Mike Grasso, Mike Fenick, and Matt Rommel all showed up to help out Father Rodrigo and Jerry Domingue. While they were their they also took down the Parish Christmas tree as the ground was finally soft enough to pull out the tree supports and also swapped out the sign in front of the former Church Pre-School building used by the Knights as their Council Hall to the “Christ is risen” sign for Easter. The rain held out just long enough for the Knights to get everything done.


The Cross is showing signs of normal wear and tear. Discussions were had about what to build the next one out for next year. Still after two years of weather storms and heavy winds the Crucifix stands as a beautiful reminder of faith and love in front of the Church. This is exactly what Father Rodrigo envisioned when he thought of the idea for the display.


When coupled with the Blessed Mother Grotto that sits just behind the Crucifix on the Southern wall of the Church, a very holy and beautiful outdoor prayer space is created. It is a wonderful outdoor space to sit, pray, and contemplate in. The park benches offer the perfect spot to say the Rosary or to pray to the Blessed Mother in. On a warm sunny day with a light breeze it is just a wonderful space to watch the sun set or rise. This Easter Season take the time to stop at the Church and pray there. You will not be sorry for doing so– it is a truly wonderful space to remember God’s love for us and to spend time in contemplation of the Easter mystery of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ still present in the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist among us today.


Thank you to Father Rodrigo for his stewardship and work building the Grotto, the parishioners who generously donated towards its construction as well as its upkeep, and all the Brother Knights who donated time to help out with the Cross raising and the Easter sash change out. It truly takes a community of faith to maintain such a space, but the reward of having such as space to pray in makes all that work and financial support worth worth it.


May God bless you and all you hold dear this Easter season– thank you to all for your continued support of our Council and our Parish.