On Thursday, April 8, 2021; the Knights of Columbus Monsignor James S. Conlan Council #5329 honored long time Council member, past Council Chaplain and our most recent Council Lector Deacon John “Jack” Carr. Deacon Jack was reassigned by the Archdiocese of New York to St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Kingston, New York to serve the Catholic Community there back in December 2020. Our Council wanted to thank Deacon Jack for his many years of service not only to the Knights of Columbus and our Council, but our Parish (the Church of the Infant Saviour in Pine Bush, New York) where he has served as a Deacon for many years. Deacon Jack grew up in the Pine Bush community and also was a long time community member. As such, our Council dedicated part of the April Monthly Council Meeting to recognizing Deacon Jack for all his service and ministry to our Parish community. The Council wishes to thank all those Brother Knights who attended the April Council Meeting and for coming out to honor Deacon Jack.
As Council Grand Knight Charlie Cino related during the meeting, Deacon Jack has been a great Deacon for the parishioners of Infant Saviour parish, a wonderful member of the Council offering much during our Good of the Order spiritual segments during monthly Council Meetings and more. He is also a great personal friend to many of us not to mention the Pine Bush community as a whole. He will be sorely missed by our Council, but as we told him he is always welcome back to our meetings and functions.
At the end of the meeting our Council surprised Deacon Jack with his own customized hockey jersey as a token of our gratitude and as a keepsake of his recognition for service to our Parish community. As many members and parishioners know Deacon Jack is a huge hockey fan and he was grateful for the gift of the hockey jersey, as well as, humbly accepting of the recognition.
We wish Deacon Jack the best of luck in his ministry at St. Mary’s. Please keep him, his family and the parishioners of St. Mary’s in your prayers as he begins his service there as a Deacon in the parish. Deacon Jack will also continue his work with Knights through the parish’s local Knights Council. We know he will be a huge asset to the Brother Knights there as he has been to our Council for so many years.
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