Knights Sponsor New Pro-Life Billboard


The Knights of Columbus Monsignor James S. Conlan Council #5329 has sponsored and put up a new billboard to replace our older Easter and Christmas billboards outside the Church of the Infant Saviour rectory building. This sign was installed on Saturday, September 14, 2024 just ahead of weekend masses. The property the billboard sign is located on is directly across the street from the Church of the Infant Saviour on Route 302 which is one of the one main roads into the hamlet of Pine Bush NY. This give high visibility to the billboard and makes for a great opportunity to evangelize for Catholic causes that our Council and the Knights as a whole support.

We will be featuring two rotating messages on this billboard.  The first will draw attention to the cause of Pro-Life awareness that is very important to not only our Council but the Knights of Columbus as a whole. The image features the Holy Family of Infant Jesus Christ, St. Joseph and Mary the Mother of God along with a Pro-Life message advocating for us to be the voices of the unborn children in the womb who have no audible voice to speak with. The Knights advocate for the unborn through various programs at a local, national, and international levels including providing support for Pro-Life birthing centers, housing for single mothers and their children, transitional housing for single mothers escaping abusive relations to live in while their child is born, ultra-sound machines for women’s health care facilities especially those that support pro-life care, and food safety programs that provide families in need with food, clothing, and shelter.

The other side of the billboard will feature an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ along with a message advocating for Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. That image will be shown as we head into the new year and draw closer to the Feast of the Sacred Heart.

The production of the sign was made possible through our recent lawn signs fundraiser that was significantly successful in raising funds for our Council. The sign itself was printed on a sign base through a process called reskinning. The sign base was donated by a Brother Knight who wishes to remain anonymous, but we are thankful for the donation as this greatly reduced production costs. We are also greatly appreciative to everyone who bought the lawn signs and thank you for your continued support. We also appreciate the continued support of Father Rodrigo who is the Pastor of the Church of the Infant Savior. Father was kind enough to let us put the billboard on the Church property and helped guide us in choosing images that best communicated our Catholic faith to those who may not understand it including our beliefs in regards to Pro-Life causes. We also thank all the Brother Knights who helped raise funds for the new billboard through their hard work selling lawn signs to the community, as well as, the Brother Knights who helped put up the billboard itself. We especially appreciate Brother Knight Dave Vasseur who not only fixed the billboard framework that was in need of repair, but also lead the hanging of the sign with the assistance of a few  Brother Knight helpers to hold it while he got it in place.

Our Council’s hope is that the new sign will cause those passing by to consider discerning the topic of Pro-Life causes and support those causes in the long term by choosing to advocate for this very important social cause in their public and civic lives. If even one person stops and thinks about why we need to support life from its inception to natural death it will be one more person who can help to make sure everyone’s life is valued, cared for, and protected especially the most vulnerable among us such as the elderly, infants, the unborn, the sick, the poor, and children.

Are you interested in advocating for the most vulnerable among us and want to support Catholic causes through service in your community? If you are a Catholic male over 18 years old you can join the Knights today and start doing just that no matter how busy your life is. Only an hour a year of volunteer work can make a big difference in your community. Click here to learn more.